We connect with each other at Coffee20 after worship, Thursday Soup Supper and Evening Prayer during Lent and Advent, Men’s and Women’s study groups, and other intergenerational events throughout the year.
Here are a few of the events that we look forward to each year!
January – Epiphany Bonfire Event
February – Shrove Sunday Intergenerational Party
March – Thursday Lenten Soup Supper and Evening Prayer, Bowling Outing
April – Easter Breakfast and Easter Intergenerational Party
June – Pentecost Intergenerational Party
July / August – Emmanuel at a Spikes Game
September – Annual Church Picnic
October – Reformation Intergenerational Party
December – Thursday Advent Soup Supper and Evening Prayer, Christmas Party
From the very beginning of our congregation, Coffee20 has been our time of fellowship after worship on Sunday. Aptly named, we gather together for 20 minutes (sometimes more!) for coffee and snacks to enjoy a time of fellowship prior to adult and children's Sunday School classes beginning.
Members and friends regularly sign up to serve snacks each Sunday. There are always tasty treats waiting for us after worship!
Men's Bible Study - 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:00-8:00am
The men's group gathers to study and discuss books of the Bible.
Women of Emmanuel (WE) - Various dates throughout the year (check our calendar). Women of Emmanuel gather for Bible study, book clubs, fellowship, and prayer building.
Emmanuel's knitting group, the Knit Wits, meets monthly for fellowship and knitting every third Friday from 2:00-4:00pm (except June, July, and August). They supply our Mitten, Cap, and Scarf Tree during Advent with many warm winter items that are donated the Centre County Youth Service Bureau. They also donate handmade items to veteran and homeless organizations.
Our Annual Picnic was held at the Stevenson Road property this year! We enjoyed a beautiful day of fellowship, fun, and food! We look forward to more events to come!
Learn about other ministries at Emmanuel!